This year’s school Summer holidays are now in full flow and we want you to know that will be available throughout to support young people in your area, the age range for 11-18.
For our August Kooth update, our focus is on making sure we are there to continue to provide support throughout the Summer, we have some specific Kooth resources related to this here, in addition to this is we are celebrating International Youth Day -(12th August)
#happyinternationalyouthday #internationalyouthday
Please see below our ‘What’s on Kooth in August ?‘ resource which highlights some of the discussion boards and live forums that can be accessed on the site during the month of August. If you wish to use or share this resource please find it here.
Other interesting things to look out for on Kooth this month are:
Interesting Articles
- Safe Ways to Socialise on a Budget
- Personal statements – top tips
- News desk – exam results stress/results day info
Also make sure to check out our latest Kooth podcasts…
- Guided Meditation: Creating Your own Safe Space
- Pop culture and wellbeing
- Celebrating friendships
(these are available on both Spotify and Apple Music)
At Kooth we would love to hear from young males about their views on emotional wellbeing and what potential barriers may prevent them from reaching out to access wellbeing support.
For this reason we have developed a survey to hear the voices of young males, which we kindly request you share with any young males you work with. This survey takes approximately 5-10 minutes to fill out.
There are two versions of this survey, one for 10-16 yr olds, and a 16+ version:
We are hopeful that any insights we can gain from responses to this survey will help shape our future approach to engaging young boys and men to access mental health and wellbeing support over at Kooth.
Don’t Do It Alone Update
Lastly, it’s worth noting that our Don’t Do It Alone campaign will officially come to an end on the 31st of July. This means that we are unable to repost the campaign videos or advertise the campaign any further.
Please find here a link to our Kooth sign up guide should you wish to support any young people with gaining access to our online community.
In addition to all of the above information, as ever, you can view and download our full range of digital resources on Swivle along with a guide on how to actually use Swivle, here.
Our virtual offer of staff training, YPs Presentations and school assemblies still stands and I continue to receive requests for these. If you are interested in booking virtual support, please do get in touch with me by replying to this email or complete the booking form here.
Thank you for your continued support and if there is anything further I can help you with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Take care and stay safe